Desmatractum bipyramidatum (Chodat) Pascher 1930 (Chlorophyceae, Chlorococcales) – a new locality in Poland
Chlorococcales, Chloropohyceae, new locality, Western PomeraniaAbstract
In the materials collected during phycological studies of bog bogs in the Goleniów Forest in Western Pomerania, cells of Desmatractum bipyramidatum (Chodat) Pascher 1930, rarely administered from Poland, were found. and bryophytes. In terms of shape, the cells are identical and refer to the described D. bipyramidatum sensu Skuja (1964). D. bipyramidatum cells are accompanied by various algae taxa represented mainly by species of the Chlorophyceae, Cyanoprokaryota and Bacillariophyceae classes. The absolutely dominant taxonomic group in the habitat are Chlorophyceae species of the order Desmidiales.
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