Aloe arborescens, Aronia melanocarpa, Rosa canina, Sambucus nigra – immunostimulating properties and use in phytotherapy
immune system, immunity, medicinal plants, phytotherapyAbstract
Natural herbal products can effectively support the functioning of the immune system, constituting an important element of the treatment and prevention of bacterial or viral infections. The study's main goal is to indicate, based on scientific research, the possibilities of using selected plant raw materials as immunostimulants. The work also aims to update the state of knowledge on the analyzed properties of four selected plant species (Aloe arborescens, Aronia melanocarpa, Rosa canina, Sambucus nigra). The immunostimulatory properties of Aloe arborescens and Sambucus nigra have been confirmed by pharmacological and clinical studies. Therefore, it is not without reason that these plants are ingredients of popular and generally available commercial preparations. Similar activity of Aronia melanocarpa and Rosa canina has been found only based on in vitro or in vivo studies on experimental animals and clinical studies are needed to demonstrate the clear justification for using them as agents that increase the body’s immunity.
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