Revision of the genus Daldinia in the KRAM herbarium collection: Daldinia childiae, D. loculata and D. loculatoides, three new species for Poland
Daldinia, stromatal pigments, wood-inhabiting fungi, fungi-associated insectsAbstract
The article presents the results of the revision of Daldinia (Ascomycota) specimens preserved in KRAM F (Kraków, Poland). The following species were identified: Daldinia childiae, D. decipiens, D. loculata, D. loculatoides, D. petriniae and D. vernicosa. Three of them were not reported from Poland so far: D. childiae, D. loculata, D. loculatoides. Aditionaly to Polish specimens, also some collections from outside Poland are kept in KRAM F: one specimen of D. concentrica from Bulgaria, D. lloydii from Ukraine and D. eschscholtzii from Cameroon.
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