The Effects of climate change on functional health foods and medicinal plants – a short review
climatic factors, global warming, plant yields, species rangesAbstract
There is a growing opportunity to initiate studies to address the effects of climate change on medicinal plants’ phenology, habitat alteration, species range shifts, and secondary metabolite production. Awareness of the potential effects of warming (increased CO2, and ultraviolet radiation due to ozone layer depletion) on secondary plant components and metabolites is an influential task for the future. There is information that climate change is causing remarkable effects on life cycles and the distribution of plant species. They are also forcing ecosystems to adopt the changing life cycle of plants and the development of new physical traits. A quickly changing climate might benefit
species that can extend their ranges rapidly or that can tolerate a wide range of climatic conditions, both traits shared by various invasive plants taxon. This review provides a summary of the impact of climate change on medicinal and functional health food plants.
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